Context Gallery, jewels and contemporary objects - PARALLEL MAPING

Topical issues



Five topographic approaches: Xus Anglès, Gemma Canal, Nicole Deuster, Pablo L. Martínez , Noelia Sánchez



They agree to talk about what they consider truly important. They speak of interior roads, travels, tours, processes, options, fingerprint and future projects.

Is not risked to think that the five have decided to stop, look back and see the way out and they want to continue from now.



jewels: Xus Anlgès, Gemma Canal, Nicki Deuster, Noelia Sánchez

esculptures:Pablo L.Martínez


from 28th November to 28th December 2015


opening: saturday 28th November at 12 h. am

in:Galeria Context,Viñolas 10, Sant Cugat del Vallès (Bcn)


Topical issues

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