Context Gallery, jewels and contemporary objects

Noelia Sánchez

Personal and universal, my project is the extension of my vital space in continuous transformation, which is strained through my memory and experience. My jewelry pieces offer my observer a panoramic view of a complex world.


(Barcelona, 1976). She lives and works in Barcelona. Graduated in Communications by Ramon Llull University in 1999, she worked as a journalist and video manager in Catalonian Television – Televisió de Catalunya- and local television in Barcelona, Spain, and other audio visual mass media. Her training in jewelry began in 2008 in Escola Massana in Barcelona. She participated in several workshops in contemporary jewelry with Silvia Walz, Judy McCaig, Pilar Cotter, Stéphanie Barbié y Rinaldo Álvarez. She took part in Made@Eu project 2015 about digital fabrication in Fablab Valldaura, Barcelona. She joined “Joyas Sensacionales” project in 2014, which is coordinated by Silvia Walz. Her work has been exposed in Escola Massana in Barcelona, in The Barcelona Foundation for Ocean Sailing and the exhibitions of the group “Joyas Sensacionales” in Valencia and Barcelona.



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