Context Gallery, jewels and contemporary objects

Victòria Punsoda

Pètals comes from experimenting with new materials, such as the fish scales. The scales, main element of the collection are previously treated with a drying process and then stained and varnished. This material fragile and delicate at first glance, is resistant and rigid virtue which retains its lightness. Collection with Mediterranean air, light, and made from recycled materials.



(Barcelona, 1985). Currently living and working in Barcelona. In 2008, graduated in Product Design from Escola Eina and Università Politecnico di Milano. Right after, found her vocation in the design and making of Jewellery; learning the Jeweler craft in the Col·legi Oficial de Joieria de Catalunya (JORGC) and in the Escola Massana between 2010 and 2011. In that period, she learned different techniques such as: Mokume gane, Enameling and Gemstone setting, in workshops at Taller Perill, Escola de Ceràmica Ramon Fort and JORGC. In 2013, Victoria integrated her know-how in Design with her Jewelry craft by obtaining a Master’s Degree in Alternative Jewelry Design.
In the last years, her jewelry collections have been included in: the Enjoia’t Awards (2015); different exhibitions: Espai Joia (2014); “Literary Jewel at Loring Art” (2013); Escola Massana (2011) and JORGC (2010-2013); and the Design Market fair organized by the FAD (2014 and 2015).


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