Context Gallery, jewels and contemporary objects

Eugènia Besora

I work with materials that are available to everyone and don’t have value in themselves. Nature is my source of inspiration, the natural order of the growth of organic elements, the changes that occur in the life cycleand how the line, the colour, and the space change. Concepts and technique help to solve creative processes. I try not to use the solder, so as the piece is integrated in a more natural way to everyday life, which becomes a language close to all.


(Lleida, 1958). She lives and works in Lleida. She studied Jewellery at Escola Massana in Barcelona. Bachelor of Fine Arts speciality Sculpture, at Escola Sant Jordi at Universitat of Barcelona. Master in Museology and Heritage Management at Universitat of Barcelona. In charge of the exhibition space “Jardí cúbic”, and the Exhibition Hall of the Rectorate of the University of Lleida. Her work has been shown in several individual and group exhibitions.


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