Context Gallery, jewels and contemporary objects

Isabel Tristan

Looking, observing, mentally deconstruct, understand and discover the process of object creation, the material which they are formed with and the passion for learning has made me being able to grow and evolve in my creative process. Pencils, papers, brushes, glues, cloths, threads, needles…they’ve been the tools that have always accompanied me. I have recently added metals, foils, solders, plastics, resins… anything that allows me to express myself in the contemporary jewellery world. I look at my pieces the meaning, the originality with the language and the best technique in every single case. I often take risks, I enjoy the freedom that working on an own project gives me.


(Barcelona, 1962). She lives and works in Barcelona. Degree in Graphic Design in Escola Massana of Barcelona. SpecialitycoursesinPainting in Escola Massana too. Since 1985 she works as a graphic designer for both direct clients, and as a freelance for studios and advertising agencies. She directedand coordinated the magazines Sport Dyr and Belleza y Moda (Unidroco). She taught Projects and Technical Representative for Special Projects at CFC (final year), specializing in Graphic Design at the School LAI in Barcelona. In 2009 she began his career in contemporary jewelry with the jeweler Silvia Walz in Massana Permanent, also in several workshops in Taller Perill in Barcelona with the jewelers Judy McCaig and Tanja Fontane. Currently she combines graphic design with jewelry, without leaving the painting and artist books as specific creations. Since february 2014, she is a member of ZZ Inzunza, creative workshop.



Interview with Isabel Tristan in Itineràncies Context


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