Context Gallery, jewels and contemporary objects

Sílvia Serra Albaladejo

Silvia Serra Albaladejo presents her latest proposal EN FEMENÍ, a collective exhibition with eleven jewelers that wants to be a transversal look at a gender perspective. In the exhibition RESISTANCE (Sep. 2020), the artist presents a series of pieces he has been making since the beginning of the Syrian civil war. These are pieces that throw her into a reality that, unintentionally, is also hers, and that therefore affects us all. Working on these pieces transports her to a reality that she cannot hide, or stop looking at. Some pieces from his latest exhibitions, such as in the TRACES series (Sept. 2018), are a reflection of living and existing, which is partly resistance. And as she tells us, "he who resists generates a path full of vital traces." In EMOTIONAL METAMORPHOSIS (Nov. 2019), he invites us to take a playful-poetic journey through some of his jewels through the texts of Catherine Flumian.


(Barcelona, ​​1973). She lives and works in Barcelona. She became interested in jewelery in 1991. That year she went to study at the Escola Massana in Barcelona, ​​and although until then she was completely unaware of the trade, jewelry caught her to this day of today. From that same year and until that same moment, she has tried to continue training in other centers and doing various jewelry courses.

She created RING RING ARTS & CRAFTS BCN, a platform for the dissemination of art and contemporary jewelry. Originally it was born as a space open to the present and creative future of crafts, art and design. Conceived as a link between national and international creators who sought communication and beauty based on their craft, their tempo and their passion.

The project began as a group of six people. During the six years of life, there have been different changes, new additions and terminations in the project. At present, RING RING ARTS & CRAFTS BCN is a personal project, with the same work philosophy, which acts with specific projects through different social networks and in collaboration with galleries and artists worldwide.

She has curated several exhibitions, and participated in numerous individual and group exhibitions nationally and internationally.
more information about the artist:


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