Context Gallery, jewels and contemporary objects - Montserrat Duran Muntadas


01/07/2017 a 15/09/2017

Montserrat Duran Muntadas

"Deep in a theme, my ideas can take the form of contemporary jewelry, sculpture and / or artistic installation. Although the mixture of materials and resources is innate in me, I often use it in my pieces; The glass, inducing a notion of fragility to all that concept that initially was not rare. "



Talk with the artist...


Your work with glass began in 2004, at Escola del Vidre in Barcelona, and continued at the Real Fábrica de Cristales de la Granja de Segovia. What awoke your interest in this material?

My interest arose at the age of ten when I saw a movie where the protagonist was a glass blowing artist. Without knowing anything about this material, I decided that ...

Participants: Montserrat Duran MuntadasPlace: Galeria CONTEXT
Carrer de Viñolas, 8-10 Sant Cugat del Vallès (Bcn)

Some work exhibited


Behind a creative act there is always the view of the artist responsible for it. Becoming aware of their intention helps one to understand and appreciate their work. Itineràncies sets out to be an online/offline space with room for these views and the intention to go beyond what is established.
Itineràncies will regularly present a more complete selection of the work of the Gallery’s artists to help find out about both their career and their latest designs. This space also aims to publicise new ideas in contemporary jewellery from the various groups working in Catalonia and elsewhere.

More Itineràncies

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