Context Gallery, jewels and contemporary objects - NIT DE L'ART 2018

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Art Festival in Sant Cugat del Vallès


On Saturday, June 9th will be held in Sant Cugat del Vallès LA NIT DE L'ART, one of those nights highlighted in the annual program of the city, where the art spaces will be open until midnight.

They are the same artistic spaces, from art galleries, professionals, through art and design schools, municipal exhibition spaces, to the workshops that the artists themselves open to visitors, who really does that NIT DE L'ART is carried out.


Context gallery presents for this event "Complicity in Blue", an installation created by the collaboration of five artists:


Alicia Sancho - Arianna Russo - Chiqui Martín Valls - Mercè García Ballet - Patricia Correas.


opening: Saturday, June 9 at 7 p.m.

in Context gallery, Viñolas 10, Sant Cugat del Vallès (Bcn)


Música en directe fins a mitja nit.

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