Context Gallery, jewels and contemporary objects - 47th Congress of the International Academy of Ceramics, Barcelona 2016.

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47th Congress of the International Academy of Ceramics, Barcelona 2016.

"Ceramics in architecture and public space" Barcelona - Catalonia, 12 to 16 September 2016




The 47th Congress of the International Academy of Ceramics (AIC), to be held in Barcelona from 12 to 16 September 2016, is designed as a meeting place for study and discussion of some 300 academics from around the world , an event that will be complemented by several visits to the ceramic heritage of the city and Catalonia, cultural and entertainment events, coinciding with the celebration of the General Assembly of the institution. The second part is expected to make a pre-congress trail with visits to cities of Aragon and Valencia high interest for its ceramics and route post-congress in Madrid and Andalusia.


The central theme of the Congress will Ceramics in architecture and public space, a subject of great importance in the ceramic world still little studied and debated. Your choice in this conference is a very powerful reasons, given that Barcelona and Catalonia have produced first-rate architectural ceramics which plays a key role, especially during Modernism, with the help of architects such as Antoni Gaudí, Lluís Domenech Montaner and Josep Puig, among others. Also, the presence of ceramic sculptures and other works in areas of the city with works by artists such as Roy Lichtenstein and Joan Miró make Barcelona a benchmark in this field.


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