Context Gallery, jewels and contemporary objects - MARGIT HART 'MAKE' at Ruthin Craft Centre.

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MARGIT HART "MAKE" at Ruthin Craft Centre.

Shows her new pieces from her latest work called “Horizons".


Margit Hart shows her collection "Horizons" at Ruthin Craft Centre, the Centre for Applied Arts in Denbighshire, North Wales, within the collective exhibition titled "MAKE."


The exhibition “MAKE: is a celebration of contemporary Craft”, showing works by over fifty artist-makers across ceramics, jewellery, glass, textiles, metal, furniture and wood. It is based on a two-year investigation that asked a question What is Craft? and highlights the diversity of artistic activity that contemporary makers engage in.



As Margit Hart said; “Horizons of memories arrange themselves in new ways, for me the term horizon implies vastness, space, openness, the discovery of unknown territory from a constantly changing point of view and the process of observing and transforming. Horizons connect landscapes and human beings as well as points of opposition".



18 February – 23 April 2017


at  Ruthin Craft Centre, Park Road, Ruthin-Denbighshire

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